Arms and Armor CD-ROM and book
Livre de 48 pages représentant les 366 illustrations en noir et blanc sur le CD ROM inclus pour PC et MacIntosh :
- en haute résolution 600 dpi
- en format TIFF, PICT, EPS, BMP, JPEG et GIF
- libres de droits
"Extensive archive features illustrations of offensive and defensive weapons of battle, including a vast array of armor, chain mail, swords, spears, pikes, lances, crossbows, axes, daggers, helmets, shields, and other ancient implements. Graphic designers, illustrators, and craftworkers will find these detailed images perfect for adding a medieval flavor to a host of battle-related art. 366 black-and-white illustrations."
Dépôt légal 2004
48 pages + CD ROM PC & MAC
Format 28 x 21 cm